What Is Play Therapy?

“Play is the child’s language and toys are his words”
~ Gary Landreth, Play Therapy Expert

Play is the natural way children process their world and communicate thoughts and emotions.

It can be a powerful way to help children make sense of their struggles, develop strengths and learn new ways of being in the world.

Play can assist children to:

  • develop more positive social and relational skills
  • find positive ways to express emotion
  • improve self-control
  • cultivate empathy and respect
  • strengthen acceptance of self and others
  • develop more adaptive and healthy ways to manage anxiety, anger, sadness and frustration.

For more information about the process of play therapy and the research that shows evidence of its effectiveness, please visit the links below:

Introduction to Play Therapy for Parents (Youtube)

Introduction to Play Therapy for Kids (Youtube)

Association for Play Therapy: Explanation of the practice and theoretical underpinnings of play therapy (A4pt.org)

I’d like to learn about you and your family!

Please call (360) 836-1297 to schedule a free 20 minute meeting, by phone or in person, to see if I might be a good fit for your family’s needs!

Playful Healing Counseling

Tracy LeBlanc LCSW, RPT-S

Licensed Clinical Social Worker,
Child Mental Health Specialist
and Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor

(360) 836-1297 -- playfulhealingcounseling@gmail.com

400 E Evergreen Blvd. Suite 301A
Vancouver, WA 98660

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